About Us

 Lynn Arnold, owner and founder of The Peridot Pig

How Did We Get Here?

Hi, I'm Lynn, the owner and founder of The Peridot Pig. That's me in the picture. Yep, I'm in my 50s (cringe) and yep, the hair is blue (or purple or green). It's funny how embracing a little thing like changing your hair color to a shade outside of the "norm" can change your view of the world.  It started with a knee replacement. I figured that I'd be working from home for a couple months so why not dye my hair purple?? (THANK YOU Mahlaina at Studio Wish Salon)

It's amazing how strangers react to something as trivial as the color of your hair. While I'm sure there were quite a few that didn't express their negative opinions, I was amazed at how many people would chase me down to tell me how great it looked! Let me tell you, as a middle aged, overweight woman in NE Ohio, this doesn't happen very often.  But wow, what a way to make a person's day!

My reaction to these compliments about my quirky hair color, led me to pay it forward. I try harder to let others know that I was paying attention to them and tell them I appreciated their efforts. I hope that it helps someone get through the day like it helped me.

And Then 2020 Came...

Fast forward to 2020 and the craziness became our lives. My husband and I began working from home full time. I had a lot more time on my hands without having to commute every day. I was lucky enough to stay gainfully employed during the shutdown.

Being stuck at home, tired of watching TV and playing video games, I started picking up all of those forgotten crafting projects. If you have a maker/crafter in your life, you'll understand.  I don't have enough room to keep all of these crafty little things. As I gave more away, the call to start selling was repeated again and again.

It Can't Be -That- Hard...

I looked into setting up an Etsy store, but the competition is fierce and it's hard to stand out from the many talented artists on that platform. I also decided to use this new business startup as a learning adventure too.  I'm a software geek by trade and I figured it couldn't be -that- hard…LOL….the youTube videos said it would only take a couple weeks. <rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter now> Let me say that I now have a major, new respect for small business owners that go it on their own.  It takes a lot of work to figure out web hosting, eCommerce, Ohio taxes and book keeping….not to mention figuring out what you're going to sell.  And then you get to logistics and shipping, marketing and SEO. It's a learning process and I'm only scratching the surface!

So here we are…a year into the pandemic and I'm starting a new business.  In the coming months, I hope to continue growing my custom printing offerings and keep adding cool, crafty things to the website! 

The Peridot Pig??

Coming up with a store name is hard! I'll leave it at that for now. My sister wrote the fabulous back story for Peri the Peculiar Pig. It's the perfect backdrop for the store branding!

I must say a huge THANK YOU to my friends and family that have provided advice and feedback throughout this process.  It sounds so cliche, but I couldn't have done it without you!


Lynn Arnold